In this article, we will take quick look at the process of creating drag and drop in AngularJs and Angular application using Dragula. For AngularJs and Angular there are two different Dragula library are available, i added link of all those libraries at the end of this article. Dragula gives you simple way to add advance drag and drop in your application.
Dragula includes a services, directives, events and options for easily
implementation in you application. You can easily drag and drop from one container to another also you can sort a list of order and many more are available in Dragula.
Installation :
AngularJs :
You can get it on npm.
npm install angularjs-dragula --save
Or bower, too.
bower install angularjs-dragula --save
npm install ng2-dragula#
yarn add ng2-dragula
For more info please visit following links.