Hey!! Have you visited ServePHP.com?


It’s a service to manage your servers with number of the elegant features, either you can create new server with any server provider as per your choice (Currently providing DigitalOcean) or you can build your custom server using any VPS.

ServePHP is the SaaS application for creating, provisioning and managing simple PHP server and Website/Applications. It helps in performing many important tasks like Attaching Domains, Applications, Cron Jobs, Firewall Rules, Auto Deployments and many more without writing single line in Terminal, these tasks are just a click away using simple interface.

It provides you the seamless integration with LetsEncrypt to install Free SSL Certificates for your applications.

Many Advance features like Auto Deployments using Git Push requests, these deployment can be configured conditionally to avoid unnecessary commands executions.

You can add provide access of your account to your team members

You have choice of different subscription plan Monthly/Yearly as per your needs.

It provides you the 15 days free trial without any credit card information and you can quick sign up via the Google, GitHub, Bitbucket, DigitalOcean, Slack, Gitlab to get hassle free ride to functions & features of site.





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